Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Aspect to Aspect

In this technique i decided i was going to focus on festival images to base my work on as i plan to create my own festival poster. I collected 8 key pictures which i associate with a festival and placed them onto 2 A4 sheets on photoshop which i then printed off in black and white.

Then i collected 3 A3 sheets of thin paper so i could trace different tones of the images. The first one i created was the main outlines of the image, using a pot of ink and a thin paint brush i placed it onto a Lightbox and created my first sheet.

I then did the same technique to the other sheets, adding more tone so that i could layer then up nicely later in the process.

I then used an A3 scanner to scan my drawings onto a computer to edit them on photoshop. I first went to 'image', 'adjustments' and then changed the threshold to make sure it was just black and white with a crisp edge. I then used the 'magic wand' tool to select and then remove the white from the drawings, so i was left with just the black.

I did this to all my layers. After removing the white, i could then drag the separate drawings into one file, placing them onto of each other.

Once i had finished moving them into one file, i could then alter the separate layers colour. I did this by clicking on the thumbnail of the layer whilst holding 'command' so it would select the whole layer. I then pressed 'shift + backspace' to get to the colour fill option to alter the colour to what i wanted. I  changing the different layers to different colours a multiple of times seeing which would work best, whilst seeing the correct order the layers should take (the darkest tones at the back and then the outline in the front)

 I decided to chose pink and blue as my colour scheme as i think the colours worked well together. I also decided to alter the values of the image to give it more depth.

Here are 2 of the images i created.

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